The Complete Guide to 36 Strategies in League of Legends
League of Legends is a game of strategy, skill, and teamwork. In order to win, players must not only be skilled in their individual roles, but also be able to work together with their team to achieve objectives on the map. The 36 strategies are a collection of tactics and techniques that players can use to gain an advantage over their opponents and secure victory. In this guide, we will explore the 36 strategies in League of Legends and how they can be used to dominate the game.
Part 1: The Art of War
The Art of War is a famous military treatise written by Sun Tzu over 2,000 years ago. Its principles apply not only to warfare, but also to many other areas of life, including competitive gaming. The following strategies are inspired by the Art of War and can be applied to League of Legends.
1. Deception: Mislead your opponents by feigning weakness or strength. Use fake wards or engage in false retreats to deceive your enemies.
2. Attack their weaknesses: Identify your opponents' weaknesses and exploit them. If their mid laner is weak, focus on taking them out first.
3. Know your enemy: Study your opponents and learn their habits and tendencies. Use this knowledge to predict their movements and outsmart them.
4. Adapt to the situation: Be flexible and able to adapt to changing circumstances. If your initial strategy isn't working, be prepared to change it up and try something different.
5. Divide and conquer: Split your opponents up and conquer them one by one. Use good communication and coordination to isolate and take out enemy champions.
Part 2: Psychological Warfare
Psychological warfare is the use of tactics to destabilize an opponent's mental state and gain a strategic advantage. The following strategies can be used to mentally weaken your opponents and make them easier to defeat.
6. Mind games: Use mind games to mess with your opponents' heads. Taunt them, bait them, or use other tactics to make them frustrated or angry.
7. Demoralize: Destroy your opponents' confidence by crushing their morale. Early game aggression, taking key objectives, and denying them farm are all effective ways to demoralize an enemy team.
8. Confusion: Confuse your opponents by using unpredictable strategies or doing the unexpected. Surprise them with an unconventional pick or an unexpected rotation.
9. Pressure: Apply pressure to your opponents by pushing objectives and taking control of the map. This will force them to react and make mistakes.
10. Intimidation: Use your reputation or superior play to intimidate your opponents. This may cause them to play more cautiously or make poor decisions out of fear.
Part 3: Strategic Warfare
Strategic warfare involves using tactics and techniques to gain a strategic advantage over your opponents. The following strategies can be used to control the flow of the game and secure victory.
11. Control the map: Control the map by taking objectives, warding, and denying vision to your opponents. This will give you more control over the game and make it easier to make plays.
12. Use vision: Use vision to gain information on your opponents' movements and make informed decisions. Ward key areas and use sweepers to clear enemy vision.
13. Cut off their resources: Cut off your opponents' resources by denying them farm, taking neutral objectives, or using strategic counterpicks.
14. Capitalize on advantages: Capitalize on any advantages you gain by taking objectives or pushing lanes. This will give you more control over the game and make it harder for your opponents to catch up.
15. Keep your cool: Keep your cool and stay focused on the game. Avoid tilting or making poor decisions out of frustration.
In conclusion, the 36 strategies in League of Legends are a powerful tool for any player to use. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, understanding and using these strategies can help you gain an advantage over your opponents and secure victory. Remember to always stay focused, adapt to the situation, and work together with your team to achieve your goals. Good luck and have fun on the Rift!
标题:英雄联盟36计全集(The Complete Guide to 36 Strategies in League of Legends)